Our Vision
​As current stewards of the Minnich Haus, we understand the importance of this home in the history of Dallastown. When we purchased the house back in 2018, we did so with the understanding that the community of Dallastown takes great pride in this dwelling and that it would be up to us to return it to its former splendor. We have been tirelessly working on that goal since Day 1.
Some of the repairs are hidden from view, but they are perhaps the most important aspect of this restoration as they protect the structural integrity of the house. Others will become more apparent as we continue the process, and sometimes things will actually get worse before they can get better. However, we want to assure you that each project is approached with the utmost respect for the house and its history.
We hope that this home will become once again the jewel of the town as it once was but, most importantly, we want it to become a learning tool for all, but especially for the younger generations. Much has changed since Victorian times, but we hope that the Minnich Haus will become an educational experience for all who visit it. Furthermore, we will be pursuing Historical designation, so that we can ensure that the house will be preserved for generations after we are no longer its caretakers.
Our vision is to fully and thoroughly restore the house and carriage house to reflect life in the 1800s, down to the most minute of details. We want them to become living, breathing history, and an unofficial extension of the Historical Society. When you step into the house and carriage house, we want you to be transported to the 19th Century, when the cigar industry was booming. We want you to travel back in time with sounds, scents, and all the most fantastic visuals to go with it. While the house will remain a private residence, we hope to periodically open it for tours, so that everyone in the community will experience its beauty and the mystery of days gone by.